Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mishenichnas OUR SCHOOL Marbim B'simcha!

What is the ECC doing to Celebrate Adar? Read all about it!

    Tuesday  - have your child dressed in their favorite sports/team clothing - we will be baking Hamentaschen!

    Wednesday - wear or make a funny hat! - we will be having an ECC carnival!

    Thursday - Dress your child in their favorite color - we will be making Mishloach Manot to be delivered to seniors

    Sunday - 9:15 - 10:45 - children's Megillah Reading & Clown Show. Adults can go to hear Megillah reading at Akiva (shacharit at 9am), children ages 0 - 6 can come dressed in their costumes! $5 per child / $10 per family

    Monday - School-wide Purim carnival (come in costume) - horseback riding for children in the ECC!

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