Saturday, February 23, 2013

Purim 2013

Here is just a sampling of the wonderful Purim activities that took place during Spirit Week at school! From Carnivals to Funny Hat Day...Purim festivities make us full of Simcha! We can't wait until Shushan Purim for Moon Bounces and Horseback Riding! For more pics...please check out our latest video:  Purim 2013

Happy Purim! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mishenichnas OUR SCHOOL Marbim B'simcha!

What is the ECC doing to Celebrate Adar? Read all about it!

    Tuesday  - have your child dressed in their favorite sports/team clothing - we will be baking Hamentaschen!

    Wednesday - wear or make a funny hat! - we will be having an ECC carnival!

    Thursday - Dress your child in their favorite color - we will be making Mishloach Manot to be delivered to seniors

    Sunday - 9:15 - 10:45 - children's Megillah Reading & Clown Show. Adults can go to hear Megillah reading at Akiva (shacharit at 9am), children ages 0 - 6 can come dressed in their costumes! $5 per child / $10 per family

    Monday - School-wide Purim carnival (come in costume) - horseback riding for children in the ECC!

Monday, February 4, 2013

We are looking forward to a FUN FEBRUARY!! Read along and look forward with us!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Parashat Yitro - Not only an important Parsha - but a delicious one too!

Walking Through Yam Suf - Bringing the Parsha to life! -