Monday, May 20, 2013

Events Day - 2013

Wheels Day - May 30th! Beach Day - June 11th! We'll post our newest pictures & videos!

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Would you like to see all about our upcoming events!!

Kindergarten Round-Up -- for PARENTS!


Are you looking for a kindergarten program that seamlessly integrates Judaic & General Studies?
Can you imagine your successful and well-rounded kindergartner engaging in high-quality literacy activities in both English & Hebrew?
Does you kindergartner enjoy gym, yoga, music, and library?
Are teachers that are highly qualified and licensed on your checklist for a quality kindergarten program?
Please join us on May 21 from 7:00- 8:00pm to learn about all Kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year!
Lisa Parshan
Director, Early Childhood Center
Akiva Hebrew Day School
21100 West 12 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48076
248.386.1325 x 233

Kindergarten Round Up

Are you looking for a kindergarten program that seamlessly integrates Judaic & General Studies?
Can you imagine your successful and well-rounded kindergartner engaging in high-quality literacy activities in both English & Hebrew?
Does you kindergartner enjoy gym, yoga, music, and library?
Are teachers that are highly qualified and licensed on your checklist for a quality kindergarten program?

Please join us on May 21st from 7-8pm to learn about all the engaging programming that we have to offer!

Lisa Parshan
Director, Early Childhood Center
Akiva Hebrew Day School
21100 West 12 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48076
248.386.1325 x 233

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kindergarten Round Up!

Are you looking for a kindergarten program that seamlessly integrates Judaic & General Studies?
Can you imagine your successful and well-rounded kindergartner engaging in high-quality literacy activities in both English & Hebrew?
Does you kindergartner enjoy gym, yoga, music, and library?
Are teachers that are highly qualified and licensed on your checklist for a quality kindergarten program?

Then come and join the incoming Kindergarten class at Akiva Hebrew Day School! 

Please join us on April 23rd from 1:30 - 2:30pm to learn about all the programming that we have to offer!

Lisa Parshan
Director, Early Childhood Center
Akiva Hebrew Day School
21100 West 12 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48076
248.386.1325 x 233

What's Happening in the Month of April?

So many exciting events coming our way!! 

April 4th -Welcome back to school! 
April 11th - Rosh Hodesh snacks available to purchase for $1.00
 April 16th - Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration! Please have your child come to school in white & blue clothing!
April 16th - Evening Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration! (babysitting available)
April 23rd - Kindergarten Round Up!  Morah Pia’s class & prospective kindergarten families will come and visit Kindergarten for the hour
April 29th - Lag B’Omer FIELD DAY! activities TBA
May 22nd - Field trip to KENSINGTON (wear your yellow shirt!)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pesach, Purim & Yom Ha'Atzmaut!

I can't believe that it's been nearly one month since Pesach! So many exciting events have come, and more are yet to come!!

Let's begin with the closest upcoming events and work backwards!!

1. Kindergarten Round-up!

Kindergarten round up is coming! Akiva Hebrew Day School's Early Childhood Center (in Southfield, MI) has openings for our 2013-2014 Kindergarten class! Our current nursery four class and prospective families, with children who will be 5 by December 1st, will be spending time as kindergartners! Meet the faculty! Learn about our curriculum! Tuesday, April 23, 2013 from 1:30 to 2:30! Contact Lisa Parshan at 248.386.1625  x233 for more details!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On Pesach we eat Matzah...lots and lots of Matzah!

We enjoyed our trip to Farm Fresh! Thank you to Jerry, Mike & Chef Cari! And a HUGE thank you to the Chaperones!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Purim 2013

Here is just a sampling of the wonderful Purim activities that took place during Spirit Week at school! From Carnivals to Funny Hat Day...Purim festivities make us full of Simcha! We can't wait until Shushan Purim for Moon Bounces and Horseback Riding! For more pics...please check out our latest video:  Purim 2013

Happy Purim! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mishenichnas OUR SCHOOL Marbim B'simcha!

What is the ECC doing to Celebrate Adar? Read all about it!

    Tuesday  - have your child dressed in their favorite sports/team clothing - we will be baking Hamentaschen!

    Wednesday - wear or make a funny hat! - we will be having an ECC carnival!

    Thursday - Dress your child in their favorite color - we will be making Mishloach Manot to be delivered to seniors

    Sunday - 9:15 - 10:45 - children's Megillah Reading & Clown Show. Adults can go to hear Megillah reading at Akiva (shacharit at 9am), children ages 0 - 6 can come dressed in their costumes! $5 per child / $10 per family

    Monday - School-wide Purim carnival (come in costume) - horseback riding for children in the ECC!

Monday, February 4, 2013

We are looking forward to a FUN FEBRUARY!! Read along and look forward with us!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Parashat Yitro - Not only an important Parsha - but a delicious one too!

Walking Through Yam Suf - Bringing the Parsha to life! - 


Monday, January 7, 2013

Adventures In Early Childhood

Please watch our video to see the wonderful activities at Akiva Hebrew Day School! Just "click" on the link!
Please join us at our annual OPEN HOUSE January 21st, 2013 at our Early Childhood Center!

Welcome to the Early Childhood Center at Akiva Hebrew Day School!

Please enjoy our Monthly Newsletter & Keep visiting for more updates!

Welcome to the Early Childhood Center at Akiva Hebrew Day School!


Children must be five years old by December 1st
Akiva Kindergarten builds the foundation for an Akiva dual curriculum education. Students learn to become more independent and begin to take active parts in elementary school at Akiva. Akiva’s full-day Kindergarten integrates Judaic and General Studies. Students learn to ready by recognizing the letters and Nekudot (vowels) of the Aleph Bet, and Hebrew sight words.  Tal Am, a multi-sensory approach to Jewish Learning is introduced in Kindergarten and used throughout the elementary grades. Our General Studies program utilizes Handwriting Without Tears, the Jolly Phonics approach to reading readiness, hands on science activities and Bridges Math Curriculum. Kindergarten and First grade teachers work in tandem to ensure continuity between grades and ease the transition from an Akiva Early Childhood experience to an Akiva Elementary school education.

Welcome to the Early Childhood Center at Akiva Hebrew Day School!

Welcome to Nursery 4!

Nursery 4 (PRE-Kindergarten)
Children must be four years old by December 1st
At this age, the most effective learning is that which results from your child’s own motivation. Children in our Nursery four are encouraged to “construct” their own knowledge by pursuing their personal interests and goals. Active learning is fostered through direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events and ideas. Children are supported in independent problem solving as their world of learning expands and as they begin to develop social skills and friendships.  To build fine-motor and pre-literacy skills, the Handwriting Without Tears program is introduced at this level.  The nursery four classroom is a community in which Jewish values are modeled and every day is filled with art, music, stories, language, Jewish living and hands-on exploration.

Welcome to the Early Childhood Center at Akiva Hebrew Day School!

Nursery 3  

Children must be three years old by December 1st 

In Nursery three, our goal is to foster a positive self image in each child because a positive sense of self inspires both a love of learning and of love of school. Through our hands-on child centered curriculum and the use of multiple teaching methods, your child has the opportunity to learn and grow in the manner most natural to him or to her.  To support language development, group discussions are encouraged and are often inspired by books, show-and-tell and your child’s curiosity. Creative dramatics and movement are used in the classroom to encourage free expression and allow your child’s imagination to surface.  In our Nursery three classroom your child will learn in a child-driven, dynamic and warm environment.

Welcome to Nursery 2!


NEW **Children must be two years old by September 1st**

At this age, children typically make their initial separation from their parent or caregiver.  A loving and nurturing staff helps your child take this big first step. Communication skills, fine motor and gross motor development are enhanced.  Learning is implemented through a hands-on, play oriented approach.  This is time for extensive developmental growth! Socialization skills are particularly emphasized. Your child is supported and encouraged as he or she begins to change play patterns from parallel to cooperative play and learns to smoothly transition between activities.  Through songs, stories, art and experiential activities, your children are introduced to the world around them; a world that includes the love of mitzvot, Tefillah, Shabbat and holiday celebrations.