Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chanukah - in the classroom

Early Childhood Shabbaton at Butzel Conference Center - outstanding success!

Families with children in the Early Childhood Center at Akiva enjoyed a weekend "chalk-full" of activities for adults and children.

Beginning with Oneg Shabbat, the warm atmosphere of the Chalet and Guest houses brought families together for tefillot, games and active play. As the snowflakes fell shabbat morning, we enjoyed Tefillah services, especially Mussaf, sung by the very talented Dr. Daniel Mizrahi. Children davened at their own pace and enjoyed "tot shabbat" led by Helayne Shaw, the Tamarack camp family educator. After lunch and kiddush, families could enjoy Menucha or play games in the main house. After a fantastic Havdalah service, led by Daniel Greenbaum, the Early Childhood Families had a group Chanukah Menorah candlelighting followed by smores by the campfire. Sunday morning, we traveled to Pioneer Village at Camp Tamarack for candle making, donut making and the creation of a family picture frame. Our Family Camp/Shabbaton was made possible by a generous grant from the Berman Family Foundation. We are grateful to the Mandell L. & Madeleine H. Berman Foundation for their continued generous support in Jewish Family Education.

You may have noticed that the chanukah menorot that were sent home in our classes can not be lit. The most important reason is that we chose to make menorot that were the safest for families. Unfortunately, we have heard of situations when other schools have sent home menorot, only to start a fire, or chas v'shalom someone was burned. Even though they couldn't be lit, all of the menorot were created to be interactive. In Morah Sarah's class, the children's fine motor co-ordination skills were honed as the children squeezed clothespins each night of chanukah. In Morah Helene's class, children used corks to count each night of Chanukah. In Morah Pia's class, the children used colorful crayons to make repetitive patterns or self-choice.
On Friday, the children entertained the crowd of parents, grandparents uncles, aunts and friends with their repetoire of Chanukah songs, and we were entertained by Eileen DeLorenzo a storyteller who shared wonderful stories, and encouraged audience participation! Thank you to the Fischman family for generously sponsoring this year's Chanukah entertainment!
Happy Chanukah!

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