Friday, November 30, 2012

What an exciting week! We are enjoying the colder weather and being outside bundled in our hats, gloves and mittens. For those parents who have asked, we try to go outside at least once per day, if the combination of the temperature and wind chill is higher than 20 degrees.

We have enjoyed many of the parent-families joining our Early Childhood Classes for our ArtSmarts program. We explored feelings, by Picasso in morah Pia's classroom. Thank you to all our parent-volunteers for coming! If you would like to volunteer for this wonderful program, please contact Nancy Kleinfeldt or Sue Barash.

Chanukah is coming and we're so happy! Our classes are alight with activities ranging from menorahs to dreidels and latkes in between. You are cordially invited to join us on December 14th @ 9:30am in the "big shul" for our Early Childhood Sing-a-long. This year, we present a StoryTeller, Eileen DeLorenzo, and her interactive story telling as part of our Chanukah Program. We would like to thank Ari & Monica Fischman and family for generously sponsoring this year's Chanukah activity.

Next week, families of our Early Childhood Center will be going to Butzel Center for a Shabbaton and Retreat. We'll take pictures and tell you all about the our exciting weekend!

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