Monday, October 10, 2011

sukkah Decorating

So, yesterday we had a wonderful program - Sukkah Decorating at Akiva Hebrew Day School. when families walked in, they had a multitude of choices from eating bagels with cream cheese, donuts, to creating their own sukkah out of graham crackers, marshmallow fluff & gummy worms, they could also braid challot and bake them in their home ovens - the smell is awesome! On the messier side, we had two family craft projects. First, you could tie dye paper placements using beautiful colored spray paint. The other fun activity was that all families were given a piece of outdoor canvas with acrylic paint. Families could handpaint their hands on the canvas, and join each handprint with a tree, making a "family tree"....

A Special thank you to Mrs. Susie Goldman & Morah Sarah Shaw who were willing to roll up their sleeves, and get dirty. Thank you for coming, please enjoy the pictures!

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