Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!

Akiva's Early Childhood Blog is now open! Here's your opportunity to see what is happening each and every day in the Early Childhood Center.

Enjoy pictures from our DayCare, with Vita, Nichole & Michelle!
Morah Helene & Morah Mushky in N2 will post pictures and activities!
Morah Sarah & Mrs. Prawer will update you on the exciting happenings in the Teddy Bear Room!
Morah Pia, Morah Lorrie & Morah Mushky will keep you engaged in our Pre-K adventures!
Our Kindergarten classes are having fun -- share with Mrs. Nachlas, Mrs. Goldman & Mrs. Berry!
We can't forget about Morah Cookie - she is our Jack of all trades!

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