Monday, September 24, 2012

September 14th, 2012

What an exciting week in school!

Throughout our hallway we are "buzzing" about learning about shofrot, bees, trees and honey!! We began last week with a visit from R. Shneur Silberberg who presented a Shofar Factory presentation to the Kindergarten, first and second grade classes. It included learning about which kosher animals horns can be taken from, what type of horns make the best shofrot and the process of turning a horn into a shofar.

The Early Childhood Center ventured to Plymouth Orchard and Cider Mill where we began the trip at the petting farm and outdoor play yard. We continued onto and old-fashioned school house where we the teachers took on the role as bees and danced around a tree to show how pollination occurs. Finally, we took a fun wagon ride around the orchard. The trip culminated with lunch, fresh cider and brownies. But what about apples? Unfortunately, due to unseasonably warm temperatures in March of 2012, which caused the apple trees to blossom early, then frigid temperatures two weeks later, most apple trees in Michigan were not able to produce enough apples for classes to pick. However, the children were treated to delicious apples, and we made apple sauce and enjoyed apples and honey in our classes on Friday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the drivers who accompanied us on the trip. We could never have embarked on a trip with our entire ECC without the help of our dedicated parents and teachers.

Teacher Highlight:

Emma Teger
Emma Teger is the newest addition to our Early Childhood Center, beginning this week, and is working in the Beth Isaacs Early ChildCare Room with Michelle Martin and Sharon Ozrovitz. Emma is an Akiva almunae and comes with energy and enthusiasm as she becomes a childcare giver. She has worked as a counselor at Camp Stone, and has an incredible amount of volunteer experience locally and in Israel at Animal Hospital and Shelters. Emma believes that young children their physical needs met, followed by love, caring and cuddling. We welcome Emma to our faculty!

Shana Tova U'metukah!
September 7th, 2012

Dear Parents,

Although this week didn't have five days, it was full of productive and positive energy!! Your children are settling into a routine that includes pick-up, drop-off and everything in between. Last week, I dedicated this space to introducing our faculty round up, for the next few weeks, each "early childhood corner" will be focused on a different teacher (beginning with our newest faculty) and highlight an Early Childhood activity.

We are please to bring back a Healthy Snack Initiative to our hallway. You child is offered a healthy snack each day; ranging from fruit, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products. It is our hope that your child is introduced and tries something different, that they may not normally eat at home. At the beginning of each month, you will receive the menu for the upcoming month. Suggestions are always appreciated!!

Monday, September 10th, is 'back to school night'. It will be your opportunity to spend some quality time with your child's teacher to learn all about curriculum, classroom policies and procedures. It is not the time to discuss individual students, please save your questions for parent-teacher conferences in November.

Teacher of the week....
Sharon Ozrovitz - "Morah O" Teacher in the Beth Isaacs Childcare Room

Morah O comes this year to Akiva with nearly 30 years in the field of ChildCare.  Not only is Sharon a warm and friendly person, she also is self-motivated, has boundless amounts of enthusiasm and energy and excels communication skills. Morah O's philosophy is that children need to move, explore, interact and use their senses to engage in the world around them. We wish Morah O condolences on the loss of her father, and are very excited about her return to work  g-d willing next week!

Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rosh Hashana

Akiva's Early Childhood Center wishes our friends and Family a Shana Tova!