Friday, March 23, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Purim At Akiva


The Early Childhood Center was transformed into Persia's capital city of SHUSHAN during the week leading up to Purim this year. Each of the classrooms hosted a different activity throughout the the Shushan Jewelry store, residents could make necklaces & bracelets. While visiting the Royalty Sewing Shoppe, royalty could make their robes & decorate their golden crowns. And what city could be without a bakery? At the Shushan bakery, citizens could make "extreme hamentashen" with creative fillings! But who could forget the Shushan Stables? Residents could make "hobby horses" and when that task was completed, they donned their royal robes, and golden crowns to mount REAL HORSES, just like Mordechai from the Purim story who was recognized for his efforts in saving the King's life!!

Grandparent's Day @ Akiva

At our Annual "Grandparent's Day" at Akiva we honor the special people in our young children's lives...savtas and savtis, zadas and zadies, bubbas and bubbies as well as nona, papa, and every other type of special person in our lives!! We enjoyed songs performed by the Early Childhood children, a slide show of all our Purim activities, braiding challot & making Hamentaschen necklaces.  A special thank you to...Rosa Chessler (decorations)....Daphna... Feldman (challah)....and Libat Aviva (food prep)...Please enjoy the pictures!