Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Pics from Parent-Tot Programming!

Please enjoy! Our Parent-Tot Group meets on Wednesday Mornings from 9:30 - 11:00am.

Fall Session #2 will begin on November 17th!

Parent-Tot Families Come together!

Believe it or not, your children grow every day, but when we see them week to week we really see HUGE growth and development! Keep watching for more Parent-Tot pics!

Parent-Tot Programming!

It's amazing how much kids grow each & every day! When we see them from week to week we really see HUGE growth and development!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Leaving foot prints on our Welcome mats!

While learning this weeks Parsha, Parshat Vayeria Nursery 4 learned all about Avraham who had such Hachnasot Orchim. To remember this special Mitzvah we made our very own Welcome mats to use in our own homes while hosting guests! Boy did that paint tickle!

Learning all about patterns!!

Visiting Avraham's Tent in Kindergarten

What fun we had inviting guests into our tent!
Come visit!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Farmer John and his farm animals come to visit us!

Wow, was it fun to see the farm animals when we were learning all about Noach and the animals he brought in his tevah!

Stop, Drop and Roll!!!

Thank you to our Fireman who came to teach us all about fire safety!