Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thank You soo much to all our MyStEry ReAdErS!

Mr. & Mrs. Gross Ari Sanders's Grandparents!
Mrs. Fischman Erica's Mom!

Mrs. Klied Benny's mom!

Mrs. Sanders Ari's mom!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guess Who?

Picasso painted funny faces. Every feature looks out of place. This painting style is called Cubism. We created our own silly faces! Can you guess who your little artist is?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Surprise! Another Mystery Reader in N4

It was so exciting ...
Mrs. Sanders surprised us...

and read us two books in HEBREW!

Thanks for coming!!!!!!!!!!

LAZAR the Good Deed Dog

Did you know that dogs can do good deeds? They can if their name is LAZAR. Author Myrna Shanker discovered LAZAR at the FLEISCHMAN residences, and he inspired her to write, LAZAR THE GOOD DEED DOG. Lazar & Myrna came to AKIVA and spoke with students from Nursery through 5th grade!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kindergarten Newsletter for Nov. 15-19-10

Would you like to know what we did in Kindergarten this week? Read on!

This week we began our review of the letter sounds learned in Book 2. These are the sounds c, k, e, h, r, m, and d. We also are still reviewing the sounds from Book 1, s, a, t, i, p, and n. We have worked on initial and final sounds and sounding out whole words. It is also important to practice the correct formation of the letters.

This week we practiced upper case U and V. These letters are very similar so it is important that the children see the difference. When learning the U we tell them you go down, then walk on the bottom and then go up. The V needs to have a very sharp point at the bottom. It making the V they go down, stop, and then go up.

Thank you so much to Mrs. Sternberg for being our Mystery Reader on Friday. Your muffins were a nice treat for the class. If you still need to sign up, please contact Dr. Bela Morgan at bms12@columbia.edu or 248-996-8584. Mystery Readers read on Fridays at 1:30.

This week we worked with the numbers from 0 to 10. Using the counting tally cards we played a game of bingo. The children had to be able to figure how many tally marks there were and then locate the numeral on their bingo card. We worked on the skills of counting, instant recognition of quantities to 5 and recognizing numerals.
We also work on subtracting using a butterfly countdown story. We were able to explore the number operation of subtraction and count forwards and backwards by 1’s.

The Shabbat Abba for Dec. 3rd is Meshulam. If at any time you need to make a change in your child’s assigned day please see Mrs. Nachlas.

A Thanksgiving homework booklet was sent home on Thursday along with an explanation sheet. Please have fun with it. We expect you to help your child with it but let them do as much of the writing as possible and, of course, they should do all the illustrations. We have been having a lot of fun learning about Thanksgiving, its origin and all we do to celebrate. It is such a wonderful American holiday

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mrs. Herman our mystery reader today HOORAY!!!

Thank you to Devorah's mommy who brought A,B,C books and could you believe she also brought us crackers that had A,B,C,'s on them!!!!

It'S MyStEry ReAdEr TiMe!!!

Thank you to Dr. Adler for coming to our classroom and reading us great books!
Oh lets not forget the yummy treats he brought us, YUM!

Using the Handwriting Without Tears program to learn letter L!

Start at the top, make a long straight line down and then a short straight line across!
Yay we finally made letter "L's" with chalk and playdough!