Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Early Childhood Center Presents - a family Shabbaton!!

Would you like to spend a meaningful Shabbat up at Butzel Conference Center in Ortonville? If you have Children in the Early Childhood Center at Akiva Hebrew Day School, you are invited to join us for Shabbat December 7 - 9th! Please see the attached flyer and contact me for more information! Early Bird registration - $100 off the price - ends on November 1st!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Enjoying Parashat Lech Lecha!!

What a wonderful week in our Early Childhood Center!!

Having weather that allows us to be outside each day certainly helps with our mood, but rain doesn't damper our spirits if your a student in our Early Childhood Hallway! In fact, in Ivrit, it's only under an umbrella that you can have fun!! Morah Dina's wonderful song about a "MITRIYAH" has friends inviting others to stay dry under the umbrella. And, in our Nursery 4 class, Morah Pia's students came dressed in rain gear and ready for a flood!!

We welcome Corrie Chasler, our new YOGA teacher to our Early Childhood Center, who will be teaching YOGA on Tuesdays, and Kathy Fresia, our new Gymnastics teacher, who will be coaching on Fridays. 

We cordially invite all our families to join us in our mock "wedding" for Parashat Chaye Sarah where will dance and sing to the music as we make the Parasha come to life! The wedding will take place, Friday, November 9th @ 9:00 in the Multi-Purpose Room

Teacher Spotlight:
This year, we are spotlighting our Nursery 2 teacher, Morah Henna Shaw:
This year is Morah Henna's second year in our hallway. She "graduated" from the kitten room and moved up with many of our children as they got older and is currently a teacher with Morah Helene & Morah Nechama in our Nursery 2 classroom. Henna teaches with love and kindness and believes that her students come to have fun while learning. Henna came to Akiva highly recommended, (by her mom) and we love having Henna here at school! During Henna's free-time, Henna is currently at Wayne State in the School of Social Work. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Celebrating Parashat Noach - in Style!

Welcome back to the first full week of school! This Tuesday, we began

YOGA! Yoga is lead by Corrie Chasler, of JCC & Kids Empowered.
GYMNASTICS, which will take place beginning on Friday, October 26th,
will be coached by CATHY FRESIA of the JCC Oak Park.
These exciting enrichments will be  available to all the students in
the  ECC supporting our commitment to give the kids “Healthy Bodies &
Health Minds.”

CELEBRATING PARASHAT NOACH - with all our senses!!

To celebrate Parashat Noach we enjoyed a "banana boat teva, complete
with animal crackers!" We enjoyed loading the animals onto the boat,
and eating a crunchy snack! In Nursery 3, Morah Sarah's class learned
about floating and sinking. Whether it was mixing oil and water, or
placing objects in water to see if they float (or not) the three-year
olds enjoyed science related activites that tied with the Parasha. On
Friday, John Forshee from the Barnyard Express entertained us with his
array of well-trained farm animals and a farm animal show,
complimented by a petting farm, enjoyed by the Early Childhood classes
and the first and second grade classes.

Programs such as our petting zoo, and horse back rides during Purim
are made possible directly through the funds raised through Early
Childhood Challah sale! Challot can be ordered by Wednesday of each

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Here's October's newsletter!! Welcome back to school!

Welcome Back from Sukkot Vacation!! We hope you had a wonderful and restful time with your families, and are excited to be back at school, where we have a refreshed playground and refreshed minds!! Check out some Elul and Tishrei pictures and Enjoy this month's newsletter!