Thursday, January 20, 2011

Parashat Hashavuah - B'SHALACH

B'nai Yisrael crossed the Yam Suf, and Nursery 3 can too! Morah Sarah, can you be Moshe and lead us out of Mitzrayim?

Parashat Hashavuah - YITRO

Hashem gave us a present, do you know what it was? He gave us the TORAH!! We built Har Sinai in our class, and then added flowers and the LUCHOT on top!

Outdoor Play is SO MUCH FUN!

When the weather is cold, but our snowsuits are on, the Nursery 3 Class LOVES heading outside, building snowman, and playing with snow!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We're Crossing the Yam Suf!

What do you get when you add paint, feet & the Parsha of the week? You get the crossing of the Yam Suf with the Early Childhood Center at Akiva!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Countdown to open house....3 days....looking forward!! Lisa

Shabbat Parties & Special Visitors

Special guests are always so fun!! Thank you to our special visitors who bring food that's yum, yum, yum!


Some days, it is just too cold to go outside, but on other days it's too beautiful to stay inside!! We LOVE the winter!


We have been having such a great time in all our classrooms!! Whether outside enjoying the snow, or inside enjoying playing, our Early Childhood Students have smiles on their faces!

Thank you to Joey Selesney for bringing in DAVIEL, the companion dog for the Selesney Family! We couldn't believe that Daviel could follow 50 commands!